Manifestations scientifiques

International Congress for FrontoTemporal Dementias

The city of Lille is pleased to host the 12th biennial congress of the ISFTD from November 2 to 5, 2022 in Lille Grand Palais after having been held in the cities of Syndey, Munich or Vancouver.

This congress, preceded by a symposium at the Paris Brain Institute, will be an opportunity to bring together clinicians, researchers, psychologists, nurses and students to advance the understanding of frontotemporal dementia.

This event will also be an opportunity for caregivers to meet on Friday, November 4th, for a day dedicated to them in parallel with the medical-scientific sessions.

For more information, please visit our website.

de Clémence Fouquet 05.05.2022 à 06h28


En partenariat avec le GIS Autisme et troubles du Neuro-developpement, l’ITMO NNP offre une opportunité unique aux jeunes cliniciens ou chercheurs de s’immerger dans le monde de la recherche translationnelle en Neurosciences.
Cette école est ouverte aux chercheurs récemment recrutés (depuis 2020) dans l’un des organismes de recherche membres d’Aviesan (Inserm, CNRS, Université, etc…), ainsi qu’aux internes et chefs de clinique de spécialités en relation avec le cerveau/système nerveux (neurologie, psychiatrie, …).

Les frais de transport et d’hébergement seront pris en charge par l’ITMO NNP.

Voir le programme.
Retrouvez les détails et le dossier de candidature sur le site de l’ITMO NNP.

de Clémence Fouquet 03.05.2022 à 02h42

Summer school: Advanced tools for data analysis in Neuroscience – 2022

Research discoveries are increasingly dependent on the development of new tools and technologies, as well as on the ability to process, manage and analyze the large amounts of data collected with these tools.

In this summer school, we will focus on several aspects of data preparation and analysis, as well as on the use of simulation and modeling tools capable of generating predictions. These tools will be applied to different data acquisition techniques such as electrophysiological recordings (e.g. EEG, intra or extracellular recordings) or image series from brain imaging (e.g. MRI).

Target audience:

Master and PhD students from the University of Strasbourg and other French and foreign universities are welcome to apply.

Priority will be given to students enrolled in a basic or medical neuroscience program, but students from other specialties will be able to participate as long as places are available.

There is no registration fee.

During the school (Sep. 5-10th), accomodation (but not travel) during the school (but not pre-school) will be offered to non-Strasbourg students. Accomodation expenses during the pre-school and travel for the entire event are to be borne with own fundings.

Students are encouraged to come with their own dataset.

How to apply:

1 – Send an email to to express your intention to apply

2 – When ready, send your CV and a letter of recommendation to

Full application deadline: May 15,2022.


Lecturers involved:

Demian Battaglia (LNCA,CNRS,Université de Strasbourg)
Samuel Garcia (CRNL, CNRS, Université de Lyon)
Romain Goutagny (LNCA,CNRS,Université de Strasbourg)
Axel Hutt (MIMESIS,INRIA, Université de Strasbourg)
Philippe Isope (INCI, CNRS,Université de Strasbourg)
Arvind Kumar (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
Christophe Pouzat (IRMA, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg)

de Contributeur 01.04.2022 à 11h15

Symposium: From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness

The Symposium: From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness aims at bringing together the Human Brain Project’s neuroscientists and invited guests to present their latest achievements in understanding neurocircuit dynamics at microscales, meso- and macro-scales, including the emergence of consciousness. Theories of consciousness will be reviewed and challenged by new findings from brain circuits and behavior. The involvement of neuronal and neuroglial cells in brain functioning, memory, learning, cognition and consciousness in health and disease will be discussed from the experimental and theoretical perspective.

The Symposium will offer a hands-on session on The Virtual Brain, the platform of EBRAINS for constructing and simulating personalised brain network models. EBRAINS is the European research infrastructure for gathering, processing and simulating brain data.

Finally, the Symposium will address the recent advances in neuroethics and neurophilosophy in neuroscience research and society.

de Clémence Fouquet 11h06

MS Meeting 2022

Congrès sur la Sclérose en plaques – Paris

Programme et inscription:

de Clémence Fouquet 16.03.2022 à 11h01

Symposium: From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness

The Symposium: From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness aims at bringing together the Human Brain Project’s neuroscientists and invited guests to present their latest achievements in understanding neurocircuit dynamics at microscales, meso- and macro-scales, including the emergence of consciousness. Theories of consciousness will be reviewed and challenged by new findings from brain circuits and behavior. The involvement of neuronal and neuroglial cells in brain functioning, memory, learning, cognition and consciousness in health and disease will be discussed from the experimental and theoretical perspective.

The Symposium will offer a hands-on session on The Virtual Brain, the platform of EBRAINS for constructing and simulating personalised brain network models. EBRAINS is the European research infrastructure for gathering, processing and simulating brain data.

Finally, the Symposium will address the recent advances in neuroethics and neurophilosophy in neuroscience research and society.

Registration deadline: 6 April 2022

Further information

de Contributeur 10h59

FENS Forum 2022 Satellite Symposium in Lille, France

Lifelong effects of early life experiences on brain and behavior

It has been known for more than a century that the early life is a source of adult psychopathologies. However, the mechanisms underlying the enduring impact of early life experiences (such as nutrition, stress, and hormonal prenatal imbalances) on neurodevelopmental disorders still remain largely unknown. This satellite event will give an overview of our current knowledge on the neurodevelopmental, molecular, and epigenetic substrates mediating the effects of perinatal insults on neurobiological and behavioral outcomes ranging from metabolic and reproductive disorders to autism and Alzheimer’s disease.

Registration fees include participation to the whole satellite event, coffee breaks, lunch
To register, please fill the registration form and send it to Sébastien Bouret and send registration fees via the following secured link.

de Contributeur 07.03.2022 à 03h29

Congrès International “Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience”, 29 juin au 2 juillet 2022

Pour la deuxième fois en France, Lyon accueillera le 18ème congrès MMiN après Bruxelles (2010), Londres (2012), Los Angeles (2014), Göteborg (2016) et Oxford (2018). Ce congrès s’intéresse à la compréhension du fonctionnement du cerveau normal et pathologique sur la base de l’étude des divers niveaux de communication chimique. Il représente une excellente opportunité pour les scientifiques de discuter du développement et des applications des outils de pointe émergeants dans la détection des molécules neuro-actives, tels que capteurs, microdialyse, imagerie moléculaire, optogénétique, chémogénétique, microscopie, utilisés dans un contexte de recherche expérimentale et/ou clinique. La transversalité permet ainsi de nombreuses interactions entre les scientifiques internationaux qui présentent leurs résultats.

de Contributeur 03h26

8th European Synapse Meeting – Coimbra 2022

The 8th European Synapse Meeting, which will be held in Coimbra on the 20th and 21st of October 2022.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together junior and senior neuroscientists working on synapses and to provide a forum for new directions and ideas in studying synapses in the healthy and diseased brain. The meeting welcomes participation from all scientists within and outside the EU and will combine research lectures by leading neuroscientists, selected talks and poster presentations.

The program will provide multiple opportunities for interaction, during the poster sessions, lunch time and coffee breaks, providing an opportunity for disseminating the latest advances and for cross-disciplinary discussion and collaboration. The meeting will be held at the São Francisco Convention Center in Coimbra, a unique setting that combines history and the best of the Portuguese architecture, and which will certainly contribute to inspire your future research and foster partnerships to address novel and challenging questions.

We look forward to welcoming you in Coimbra for an exciting meeting!

Further information :

de Contributeur 23.02.2022 à 03h06

Symposium virtuel “What is Neuroethology?”

Première réunion Scientifique du Club de Neuroéthologie
Symposium Online “What is Neuroethology?”

Nous avons réuni pour celui-ci des leaders internationaux d’Europe, USA et Israël pour parler de recherches de pointe en neuroethologie qui nous paraissent fascinantes et qui – nous l’espérons – seront aussi attirantes pour les membres du club et de la Société de Neurosciences en général.


Les liens zooms pour les différents créneaux suivront prochainement.


Martin Giurfa & German Sumbre

Research Center on Animal Cognition
Center of Integrative Biology
CNRS – University Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III
4R4 Building – 4th Floor
118 Route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 9



de Contributeur 12.01.2022 à 11h39