
EITN EBRAINS Fall School in Computational Neuroscience

The EITN Fall School in Computational Neuroscience consists of a 10-day course in theoretical and computational neuroscience, from cellular to whole-brain levels. The course is structured in thematic days with lectures, tutorials, and project work.

The course is typically aimed for PhD students, young postdocs, or master students interested to learn more about techniques of computational neuroscience, and the use of various simulation environments for model building. The students will form thematic groups to work on predefined subjects, with the help of tutors.

The course will cover cellular models, models of brain signals, circuit models and networks, mean-field models, and whole-brain models. There will be lectures and tutorials associated with these topics.


Damien Depannemaecker (AMU), Alain Destexhe (CNRS), Viktor Jirsa (AMU)


More information


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Strasbourg Autumn School in Chronobiology

The Chronobiology research group of Strasbourg is organizing an autumn school entitled « Neurobiology of Rhythms, from Basics to Environmental Impacts » from October 28 to 31, 2024.
It is open to Master or PhD student wishing to train in different theoretical and practical aspects of chronobiology in animals and humans. Registration is free and includes accommodation and meals, travel is not covered.
The site to register is here with a registration deadline of September 10 2024.


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Congrès du sommeil 2024

Organisé conjointement entre la SFRMS et la SPLF, le Congrès du Sommeil est devenu le rendez-vous annuel incontournable de l’ensemble des experts de cette discipline transversale et pluridisciplinaire ; professionnels de la santé, chercheurs, décideurs publics, associations de patients, prestataires, industriels …

L’édition 2024 aura lieu du 20 au 22 novembre, au Grand Palais de Lille et une retransmission de tout le programme scientifique sera disponible en ligne.

Lieu d’échanges privilégiés sur les innovations en matière de recherche sur le sommeil normal et pathologique, de diagnostic, de prise en charge et de thérapeutiques, le Congrès du Sommeil® propose chaque année un programme spécifique autours de conférences plénières, symposia, appel à communication, bourses…

Retrouvez toutes les informations relatives au Congrès du sommeil sur le site internet de l’événement.

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Grand Palais de Lille et en ligne


The NEURO-2024 Congress with the slogan “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Brain” will be held from 28-30 November 2024 in conjunction ith the 5th Annual Meeting of the International Center for Neuroscience Research in the beautiful and historical city of Tbilisi, Georgia. The NEURO 2024 Congress welcomes scientists and neuroscience communities from around the world to submit proposals that highlight discovery research in any aspect of the brain and central nervous system.

  • Abstract proposal deadline: 30 September 2024
  • Registration deadline: 30 October 2024


Informations pratiques


Tbilisi, Georgia

30e Meeting in Toxinology (RT30) of the French Society for Toxinology (SFET)

The French Society on Toxinology (SFET, http://sfet.asso.fr/international/) is a small non-profit association created in 1993 in accordance with the “French law 1901” status. Since then, 29 SFET Meetings were held in Paris, France, and three others were co-organized with foreign toxinology societies (IST, GT, SITOX). Since 2005, the official language of the meeting is English. This year, for the very first time the 30th meeting (RT30) will take place in Hôtel Saint-Paul in the beautiful city of Nice (https://lesaintpaul-hotel.fr/).

As every year, this event will bring together about a hundred researchers, doctors, pharmacists, industrials, and students involved in toxin research, whatever the plant, bacterial, or animal origin of these toxins. In addition to the traditional nine invited speakers, who are international experts in this field of research (see our preliminary programme), other French and foreign researchers will be presenting oral communications selected on abstracts and/or posters.

Registration: http://sfet.asso.fr/international/rt30-registration.html

Submission of abstracts: http://sfet.asso.fr/international/rt30-abstract.html

Informations pratiques


December 02 : 9h - 19h
December 03 : 9h - 17h


Hôtel Le Saint Paul, 29 Bd Franck Pilatte, 06300 Nice

Public cible

Neurobiologists, toxinologists, pharmacologists, biochemists of all grades: researchers, engineers, postdoc fellows, students...

Moyens de paiement


Fees Before
Sep 30, 2024
Sep 30, 2024
Regular attendee 250 euros 300 euros
Student attendee 100 euros 150 euros

Journée de neurologie pédiatrique

L’Inserm et le CNRS biologie organisent une journée de neurologie pédiatrique afin de réunir tous les chercheurs et cliniciens du domaine et d’échanger autour de thématiques communes afin de favoriser l’émergence de projets translationnels.

Ce colloque se tiendra le 2 décembre à l’amphithéâtre Buffon, 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris XIII.

L’inscription est gratuite sur le site internet du colloque.


Informations pratiques


15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris

Congrès de l’Encéphale 2025

La nouvelle édition du Congrès de l’Encéphale se tiendra au Palais des Congrès de Paris du mercredi 22 au vendredi 24 janvier 2025.



L'Encéphale 2025

Informations pratiques


Palais des Congrès de Paris

Physiopathology of Parkinson disease (HOPE2025)

Les inscriptions et soumissions de résumés pour le meeting « Physiopathology of Parkinson disease (HOPE2025) » sont ouvertes
Cette troisième édition aura lieu du 29 au 31 janvier 2025 à Bordeaux,

Toutes les informations sont sur le site https://hope2025.org.

Venez nombreux!


Join us for the 3rd edition of «PHysiopathology Of Parkinson’s DisEase » (HOPE) Meeting, taking place in Bordeaux from January 29th to 31th, 2025.

🔬 HOPE 2025 will provide an overview of the latest developments on the genetic and environmental determinants of Parkinson’s disease, and their molecular mechanisms and modeling. The aim of the conference is to promote a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, as well as new perspectives in the fields of preclinical, clinical, imaging and biomarker research.

🎙️This meeting will therefore bring together thought leaders from different fields and the national and European community to provide a forum for sharing the latest advances and for cross-disciplinary discussion and collaboration. Featuring talks by renowned scientists and presentations from emerging researchers, our speaker lineup emphasizes diversity and gender balance.

📝 Secure Your Spot!

🔗 https://hope2025.org

◼ Organising committee:

Cristine ALVES DA COSTA | Inserm, IPMC

Erwan BÉZARD | Inserm, IMN


Marie-Christine CHARTIER-HARLIN | Inserm, Lille Neuroscience & Cognition

Olga CORTI | Inserm, ICM

Benjamin DEHAY | Inserm, IMN

20th MRI Workshop – MS lesions imaging: Update on chronic active lesion and the central vein sign

Speakers : Benedetta Bodini (Paris, France), Colm Elliott (Montréal, Canada), Pietro Maggi (Brussels, Belgium), Cassandre Landes (Nice, France).

Round table: Thomas Tourdias (Bordeaux, France) Nathalia Shor (Paris, France), Julien Savatovski (Paris, France), François Cotton (Lyon, France), and Jan-Patrick Stellmann (Marseille, France).Thomas Tourdias (Bordeaux, France).

Online and onsite.

Address : Paris – Amphithéâtre ICM – 47 boulevard de l’Hôpital – 75013 PARIS
8h30 – 16h30


More information – MS meeting: scientific@francesep.org


École de recherche translationnelle en neurosciences

Le GIS Autisme et Troubles du Neuro-Développement (TND), l’Institut Thématique Neurosciences, Sciences Cognitives, Neurologie, Psychiatrie de l’Inserm et le CNRS Biologie organisent au Château de Suduiraut (Preignac, 33) du 13 au 16 mars 2025 une école de recherche translationnelle en neurosciences. Cette école s’adresse aux jeunes cliniciens (internes en neurologie, psychiatrie, neurochirurgie ou pharmacie), aux chercheurs post-doctorants, ainsi qu’aux chercheurs récemment recrutés dans les EPST ou Universités, désireux de se familiariser avec le monde de la recherche translationnelle. Elle sera cette année particulièrement dédiée au troubles du Neuro-Développement.


Candidatures ouvertes jusqu’au 31 octobre.

Programme préliminaire

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Château de Suduiraut, 33210 Preignac

16th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society

The meeting takes place on March 26 – 29, 2025, in the town Göttingen in the heart of Germany. With around 1.300 participants it is one of the largest neuroscience meetings in Europe besides the FENS Forum. The program offers 36 symposia with four speakers each.

For more information please visit the website of the event.

Informations pratiques


Göttingen, Germany

17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africa

This conference is a pivotal platform for exchanging scientific knowledge, innovative ideas, and expertise among African neuroscientists and worldwide. It aims to foster meaningful discussions and collaborations in fundamental and clinical neuroscience, specifically focusing on the intricate relationship between the Brain and the Environment.


The conference is scheduled for April 17-20, 2025 at the Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center in Marrakech, Morocco.


For more information, please visit the Conference website.


Informations pratiques


Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center in Marrakech, Morocco.