European Population Neuroscience symposium

European Population Neuroscience symposium

We would like to alert you to the European Population Neuroscience symposium, a Satellite Event of FENS Forum 2016. The symposium is organized by the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR) in collaboration with CreoDK and the European Brain Council (EBC).

Date and venue: July 1st 2016, 8.30 AM-4.30 PM. DGI-byen, Tietgensgade 65, 1704 Copenhagen V, Denmark.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Please visit our FENS Forum satellite symposium webpage for the program and registration.
Of note, there is a limited amount of seats, so please register in good time!!

The symposium addresses key scientific challenges of a European Population Neuroscience Strategy. The main goal of such a strategy is to model the often subtle but decisive interplay of multidimensional factors across the life span in large European cohorts representative of general populations, thereby capturing differences in e.g. genetic makeup, age and sex distributions, social-economic and health status, and culture, in order to predict physical (i.e. body) and mental and cognitive (i.e. brain) health and illness, resilience and potential.
Central topics include: (1) the relationship between genes (Genome) and exposures (Envirome; e.g. body and environment) shaping brain outcomes (Phenome; e.g. cognition, behavior and structural and functional in vivo brain measures), (2) strategies to ensure that cohorts are representative of populations, (3) mobile sensing technologies for an ecological sampling of physical and environmental variables, (4) large-scale infrastructures for integrating, sharing and exploiting huge amounts of prospective multidimensional data in a secure manner, and (5) analytical and modeling strategies and approaches to analyze and exploit complex multimodal, multidimensional and multisite prospective data.
The Organizing Committee: Hartwig Siebner (DRCMR), Tomas Paus (Rotman Research Institute and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) and Thomas Werge (Mental Health Centre Sct. Hans, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark)

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Copenhagen, Denmark