Manifestations scientifiques

XVth International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms

The first International Symposium on Cholinergic Mechanisms (ISCM) was organized by Edith Heilbronn and took place in Skokloster, Sweden, in 1970. The latest ISCM was organized by Karl Tsim and Yong-Sheng Fan and took place in Hangzhou, China, in 2013. In between, twelve symposiums were held on a very regular basis (see below) and attracted significant numbers of participants from all over the world. The principal objective of these ISCMs has been to (i) survey progress in the understanding of the molecular, cellular, pharmacological, toxicological, behavioral and clinical aspects of the cholinergic system, (ii) bring fundamental and applied scientists together to openly and critically exchange and discuss a broad spectrum of study models and create and/or consolidate collaboration and friendship. It has also been a tradition to publish proceedings, aimed at providing a comprehensive picture of the cholinergic field at the time of the symposium.

(Skokloster, Sweden, 1970; Boldern, Switzerland, 1974; La Jolla, USA, 1977; Florence, Italy, 1980; Oglebay Park, USA, 1983; Buxton, UK, 1986; Lidingo, Sweeden 1989; Ste Adele, Canada, 1992; Mainz, Germany, 1995; Arcachon, France, 1998; St Moritz, Switzerland, 2002; Alicante, Spain, 2005; Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 2008; Hangzhou, China, 2013)

The fifteenth symposium is now scheduled for taking place in the 2600-year-old town of Marseille, France, in the early fall of 2016 (October 16-20). Marseille, which was designated European Capital of Culture in 2013, offers a range of convenient places for hosting conferences of various sizes and their participants. It is at a little more than 3 hr from Paris by the fast TGV train and than 1 hr by plane; it hosts an international airport for regular and low cost flights from many places in European and neighboring countries; and it is a nice pivot point for exploring the famous southern and western France regions.

We hope that all the ingredients will be brought together to make the XVth ISCM still another successful symposium, and will be looking forward to hearing from your anticipated interest and willingness in attending this event in 2016!



de Clémence Fouquet 23.10.2015 à 03h44

Colloque 2016 du GDR NeuroMem

Le Groupement de Recherche NeuroMem (GDR 2905 – Neurosciences de la Mémoire) organise son prochain colloque du 17 au 20 mai 2016 à Lacanau dans la région bordelaise. Le programme des colloques bi-annuels comporte 5 à 6 symposia thématiques, conférences plénières, séances de data blitz et de posters.

Le GDR a ouvert un appel à propositions de symposium. Pour tout renseignement, contactez Serge Laroche.

Le programme final ainsi que le formulaire d’inscription et les informations utiles seront disponibles dans les tous prochains mois.

Serge Laroche
Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay
UMR 9197, CNRS
Universite Paris Sud
91405 Orsay, France

de Clémence Fouquet 21.10.2015 à 04h04

Colloque Histoire des Neurosciences FENS-ICM

De l’histoire des neurosciences à la neuropsychiatrie du futur

De l’histoire des neurosciences à la neuropsychiatrie du futur : dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre le comité d’histoire de la FENS et l’ICM, amphithéâtre de l’ICM, Paris.

Organisation, ICM, FENS, Laboratoire Sphere, Club d’histoire des neurosciences : Yves Agid, Jean-Gaël Barbara, Laura Bossi, Céline Chérici, Jean-Claude Dupont.

Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire auprès de Nicole FOURN


de Clémence Fouquet 12h14

European Neuroscience Conference for Doctoral Students (ENCODS 2016) – Inscriptions

ENCODS est une conférence pour les doctorants à tous les stades de leur doctorat.
De grandes compétences de communication sont essentielles pour la diffusion de la science, c’est pour cela que notre programme comprend des ateliers sur des sujets comme la rédaction et la présentation de données scientifiques. ENCODS est d’une part un excellent moyen pour les jeunes scientifiques d’interagir non seulement les uns avec les autres mais également avec des scientifiques renommés dans un contexte différent, et d’autre part, un excellent tremplin pour la mise en place de collaborations internationales importantes.
A ENCODS, nous croyons que les interactions et l’ouverture d’esprit sont les clés pour faire avancer la science. Nous invitons tous les doctorants ayant un intérêt pour les neurosciences à visiter pour en savoir plus sur la conférence et s’inscrire à ENCODS 2016. Au total, 150 étudiants seront sélectionnés pour participer à la conférence, qui se tiendra à seulement 70 minutes en transports en commun de l’aéroport de Copenhague.
ENCODS 2016 aura lieu du  29 Juin au 1er Juillet ; parfait pour participer au congrès FENS 2016 qui débutera juste après à Copenhague !

En savoir plus


de Clémence Fouquet 19.10.2015 à 03h19

6th annual meeting of the GDR Multielectrode

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce that registration and abstract submissions are now open for the 6th annual meeting of the GDR Multielectrode that will be held in Grenoble (minischool) and Autrans (conference) on January 5-8, 2016.

You will find the preliminary program and all useful informations and instructions to register at the following address :

Please don’t hesitate to spread the word around you to make this event as rich as possible.

Several companies will present their products, and we particularly thank Blackrock Microsystems, Atlas Neuroengineering, and g.Tec for their strong support.

Important notes:

1) The language of the meeting is English
2) Deadline for registration and abstract submission is November 15, 2015
3) There are mostly double rooms and only extremely few single rooms available onsite for participant housing, so please choose a single room only if really necessary – thank you so much for your understanding!
4) We plan to organize several practical hands-on sessions in parallel for the second half of the minischool, please let us know which one you would be interested in.
5) This year, a special demo session will be held on Friday 8 afternoon, so you can submit an abstract for this session if you would like to demo a software or a hardware
6) Bus transportation will be available to go from Grenoble to Autrans and back. We plan to propose 2 buses to go back to Grenoble on Friday afternoon at two different times, please specify which one you would prefer.
7) Finally, we have planed a time for an outdoor activity on Thursday 6th afternoon (snow equipment provided). If we have snow, a biathlon initiative will be organized. Please let us know if you would be interested to participate, given that it will be free and will not require any special skiing skills, so everyone can participate!

Looking forward welcoming you in the Alps,

Best regards,

Yvert Blaise
Inserm Research Director

on behalf of the whole organizing committee.

Download the meeting poster


de Alice Lemaire 12.10.2015 à 01h01

Journée du Club Somato-sensoriel

Une nouvelle journée du Club Somato-sensoriel est organisée à l’ICM (Paris) le vendredi 13 novembre 2015.

L’inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire (le lien pour l’inscription est dans le document).

Télécharger le programme

de Alice Lemaire 23.09.2015 à 12h31

Neurogenesis Conference – Implications for Lifelong Development and Disease

Neural development is not restricted to embryonic or early postnatal stages but continuous throughout life in the mammalian brain. This conference will bring together leaders from diverse fields such as embryonic cortical development, adult neurogenesis, human imaging, and stem cell-based neural disease modelling to discuss recent advances in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating neural stem cell activity, neuronal specification and functional significance of circuitries modified by the addition of new neurons. In addition, translational perspectives and implications for disease modelling will be covered.

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Gordon Fishell (NYU Langone Medical Center)

Prof. Fred H. Gage (Salk Institute)

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Götz (Munich Center for Neurosciences)

Prof. Rene Hen (Columbia University)

Prof. Rudolf Jaenisch (Whitehead Institute)

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Jessberger (University of Zurich)

Prof. Dr. Gerd Kempermann (CRTD Dresden)

Prof. Pierre-Marie Lledo (Institut Pasteur)

Prof. Guo-li Ming (Johns Hopkins University)

Prof. Alejandro Schinder (Fundación Instituto Leloir)

Prof. Ben Simons (University of Cambridge)

Prof. Hongjun Song (Johns Hopkins University)


de Clémence Fouquet 02.09.2015 à 10h35

FENS-Hertie Winter School 2016

Neurobiology of language and communication

Chaired by Prof. Peter Hagoort and Prof. Julia Fischer

Language is a higher cognitive function that is typically associated with human communication. The underlying neuronal systems have been largely unraveled, using e.g. fMRI. Studies over the past decades have shown that similar systems and functions are also in place for social communication in other species. This school will provide students with the latest insights into the topic, emphasizing similarities across species as well as pointing out which models are most suitable to address specific aspects.

Further information on FENS-Hertie Winter School

de Clémence Fouquet 19.06.2015 à 02h59

GLISYN 2015 / International Bordeaux Neurocampus Brain Conference

The second edition of the International Bordeaux Neurocampus – Brain Conferences is scheduled from September 30 to October 2, 2015. “GliSyn” for “Astrocytes and microglia, key partners in synaptic transmission”, will focus on the role of two glial cells, astrocytes and microglia, in synaptic transmission.
Although astrocytes and microglia share common features, the astrocyte and microglia fields are growing independently. The goal of this conference is to gather scientists from both fields. To identify synergies, similarities and differences of these two types of glial cells, three sessions will be dedicated to their influence at the synapse during development, in adult physiology and in pathology.
GliSyn is organized by the Bordeaux Neurocampus Federation and the LabEx BRAIN. It is an event opened to the worldwide scientific community.

Connect to the conference website

de Clémence Fouquet 02h11