Our supporters

The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, a leader in biomedical research in Europe, is the only French public research organization entirely dedicated to human health. Its mission is to improve the health of all through the advancement of knowledge about living organisms and diseases, through innovation in treatment and in public health research.


Originally created by and for teachers, CASDEN is today the cooperative bank for the entire public service.

It shares with its Members the sense of general interest and public service, and strives to meet their needs by accompanying them in the realization of their personal and professional projects.

CASDEN shares strong values of cooperation, solidarity, equity and mutual trust with the Banques Populaires, with which it has established a partnership to offer its Members a complete and local banking service.

With more than two million Members, CASDEN relies on its militant network composed of Delegates and Correspondents in the establishments of the Public Service. Regional animators dedicated to the Higher Education, the Research and the University Hospital are also available for all your personal and professional projects, find all their coordinates on the CASDEN website.

The Chen Institute is a science foundation dedicated to advancing our understanding of the full complexity of the brain and mind. The foundation’s mission is implemented through partnerships with world-leading universities and major scientific societies.

With some 1100 statutory employees (Researchers, Engineers and Technicians) working in the field of Neuroscience, the CNRS is a major player in the field, in France and in Europe. Most of the staff (82%) is grouped into 7 clusters of excellence. The thematic fields covered range from molecular aspects to mechanisms of thought.
CNRS laboratories or laboratories associated with the CNRS carry out work in neurogenetics, neurobiology and neurophysiology, integrative neuroscience, sensory, perceptual, motor and sensorimotor processes, behavior, mechanisms of cognition and psychology, to name but a few fields.

Created in 2004 by two doctors, Dr. Olivier de Ladoucette and Prof. Bruno Dubois, and recognized as a public utility in 2016, the Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, located at the heart of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital Group, aims to support and coordinate research on Alzheimer’s disease and to advance knowledge on the subject. Alzheimer’s disease is a major public health issue today because of our aging society. It now affects approximately 1,000,000 people in France, with 225,000 new cases reported each year.

The Alzheimer’s Research Foundation is giving new impetus to research on the disease. By mobilizing the general public and partners, it funds projects that combine innovation and scientific excellence, led by French and European researchers, in order to accelerate discoveries. It focuses primarily on clinical research to improve prevention, diagnosis and pave the way for effective treatments.

The Alzheimer Research Foundation has allocated €19 million since 2004 to research projects and has funded more than 160 researchers throughout France and Europe, making it the leading private funder of Alzheimer research in France.